Confirmed invited speakers for the 2022 FIT4NANO workshop in Krakow, Poland.
Dr. Rosa Córdoba
Postdoctoral Fellow – Junior Leader La Caixa
University of Valencia, Spain
Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol)
Applied Physics Department
“Additive nano‐manufacturing of advanced superconductors, and devices using focused ion beam technology”
Dr. Córdoba is a member of FIT4NANO and was a recipient of a STSM grant in 2021. She will report on FIBID of W(CO)6.
Dr. Edward Bielejec
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Quantum Materials Systems
“Overview of Sandia’s Focused Ion Beam Capabilities and the Development of Novel Sources for Implantation and Irradiation”
Prof. Milos Toth
Professor in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
“Nanofabrication and Knock-on Doping Using an Inert Plasma FIB and Solid/Gaseous Precursors”
Prof. Toth is an invited speaker of FEBIP 2022 and is talk is scheduled during a joint session on Wednesday, July 13th.
Dr. Gregor Weiss
Pilhofer Lab
Weiss sub-group
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
“Combining cryo-FIB milling with cryo-electron tomography enables macromolecular insights into biological samples”
Dr. Arkady Krasheninnikov
Group Leader
Atomistic simulations of irradiation-induced phenomena
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany
Ion Beam Center
“Engineering the structure and properties of 2D materials by defect creation and intercalation”
Dr. Krashkeninnikov is a member of FIT4NANO and will talk about defect production with ev and keV ion beams.
Dr. Thomas Löber
Group Leader Focussed Ion Beam milling / SEM
TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
“Benefits of a Cs FIB with a low temperature ion source compared to a standard Ga FIB”
Dr. Stéphane Guillous
CiCLOp Lab Leader
“PELIICAEN setup status: Performances and new developments for elaboration and characterization of materials at nanoscale”