
AuthorTitleJournalPublication dateDOI
Krzysztof Wieczerzak, M. Stygar, T. Brylewski, R. Chulist, P. Bała, J. Michler
Kinetics and mechanisms of high-temperature oxidation in BCC and FCC high-alloy Fe-based alloys with high volume fraction of carbidesMaterials & Design,
Volume 244,
S. Keppert, B. Aichner, P. Rohringer, M.-B, Bodea, B. Müller, M. Karrer, R. Kleiner, E. Goldobin, D. Koelle, J.D. Pedarnig, J.D. et al.Temporal Evolution of Defects and Related Electric Properties in He-Irradiated YBa2Cu3O7−δ Thin Films International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(14):78772024
Max Karrer, Bernd Aichner, Katja Wurster, César Magén, Christoph Schmid, Robin Hutt, Barbora Budinská, Oleksandr V. Dobrovolskiy, Reinhold Kleiner, Wolfgang Lang, Edward Goldobin, and Dieter KoelleVortex matching at 6 T in YBa2⁢Cu3⁢O7−𝛿 thin films by imprinting a 20-nm periodic pinning array with a focused helium-ion beamPhys. Rev. Applied 22, 0140432024
Ewelina Gacka, Bartosz Pruchnik, Magdalena Tamulewicz-Szwajkowska, Dominik Badura, Ivo W. Rangelow, Teodor GotszalkFabrication of focused ion beam-deposited nanowire probes for conductive atomic force microscopyMeasurement 234 (2024) 1148152024
M. Pröpper , D. Hanisch , C. Schmid , P. J. Ritter , M. Neumann , E. Goldobin, D. Koelle , R. Kleiner ,
M. Schilling , and B. Hampel
THz Properties of He-FIB YBa2Cu3O7-x
Josephson Junctions
EEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1-5, May 2024, Art no. 11005052024
M. Karrer , K. Wurster, J. Linek, M. Meichsner, R. Kleiner, E. Goldobin, and D. KoelleTemporal evolution of electric transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7−δ Josephson
junctions produced by focused-helium-ion-beam irradiation
PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 21, 014065 (2024)202410.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.014065
Aleksei Tsarapkin, Krzysztof Maćkosz, Chinmai Sai Jureddy, Ivo Utke, Katja HöflichArea-Selective Chemical Vapor Deposition of Gold by Electron Beam SeedingAdv. Mater. 2024, 2313571.2024
Felix Jungwirth et al.Gas-Phase Synthesis of Iron Silicide Nanostructures Using a Single-Source Precursor: Comparing Direct-Write Processing and ThermJ. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128, 7, 2967–29772024
Katja Höflich et al.Roadmap for focused ion beam technologiesAppl. Phys. Rev. 10, 041311 (2023)2023
Wolfgang Lang
Nanostructured Superconductors
Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics 2nd ed., editor: T. Chakraborty
Academic Press 2023
ISBN: 9780323908009

Michael Titze, JD Poplawsky, S. Kretschmer, AV Krasheninnikov, BL Doyle, ES Bielejec, G. Hobler, A. BelianinovMeasurement and Simulation of Ultra-Low-Energy Ion–Solid Interaction DynamicsMicromachines 2023, 14(10), 1884
Alexander Azarov, Fernández, J.G., Zhao, J. et al.Universal radiation tolerant semiconductorNat Commun 14, 4855 (2023)
M. Novaković, M. Popović, V. RajićStudy on the structural and magnetic properties of e-beam evaporated Co thin films annealed in vacuumJournal of Alloys and Compounds,
V 937 (2023) 168411
Maja Popović et al.Structure-dependent optical properties of Au/Ag irradiated TiN thin filmsOptical Materials, V. 138 (2023) 1136842023
Katja Höflich et al.Roadmap for focused ion beam technologies2023
S. Xu, Y. Li, M. A. Verheijen, E. R. Kieft, E. J. D. VredenbregtStudy of Surface Damage in Silicon by Irradiation with Focused Rubidium Ions using a Cold-Atom Ion Source
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 41, 042804 (2023)2023
Y. Li, S. Xu, M. Sezen, F. Bakan Misirlioglu, E. J. D. Vredenbregt
Rubidium focused ion beam induced platinum deposition
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 41, 042803 (2023)
R. Mark Bradley,
Gerhard Hobler
Sputter yields of surfaces with nanoscale textures: Analytical results and Monte Carlo simulations
Journal of Applied Physics 133, 065303 (2023)
Rúben Gracia-Abad, S. Sangiao, S. Kumar Chaluvadi, P. Orgiani, José María De TeresaIon-induced lateral damage in the Focused Ion Beam patterning of topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin filmsMaterials 16 2244 (2023)2023
Bernd Aichner, L. Backmeister, M. Karrer, K. Wurster, R. Kleiner, E. Goldobin, D. Koelle and Wolfgang LangAngle-dependent Magnetoresistance of an Ordered Bose Glass of Vortices in YBa2Cu3O7-delta Thin Films with a Periodic Pinning LatticeCondens. Matter 2023, 8(2), 322023
Jinu Kurian, A. Joseph, S. Cherifi-Hertel, C. Fowley, G. Hlawacek, P. Dunne, M. Romeo, G. Atcheson, J. M. D. Coey, and Bernard DoudinDeterministic multi-level spin orbit torque switching using focused He+ ion beam irradiationAppl. Phys. Lett. 122, 032402 (2023)2023
Pablo Orús, F. Sigloch, S. Sangiao, José María De TeresaSuperconducting Materials and Devices Grown by Focused Ion and Electron Beam Induced DepositionNanomaterials 2022, 12(8), 13672022
D. Dhanapal, S.M.S. Kumar, M. Rajarathinam et al.Improvement of physical–mechanical–antimicrobial activities with effect of amine-functionalized nano-ZnO-reinforced areca fibre/epoxy hybrid nanocomposites.Polym. Bull. (2023)2023
Lucas Backmeister, Bernd Aichner, M. Karrer, K. Wurster, R. Kleiner, E. Goldobin, D. Koelle, Wolfgang LangOrdered Bose Glass of Vortices in Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-δ Thin Films with a Periodic Pin Lattice Created by Focused Helium Ion IrradiationNanomaterials 12, 34912022
Pablo Orús, Fabian Sigloch, S. Sangiao, José María de TeresaCryo-Focused Ion Beam-Induced Deposition of Tungsten–Carbon Nanostructures Using a Thermoelectric PlateApplied Sciences, volume 11, page 10,1232021
Alba Salvador-Porroche; S. Sangiao; C. Magén; M. Barrado; P. Philipp; D. Belotcerkovtceva; M. Venkata Kamalakar; P. Cea; José María de Teresa;Highly-efficient growth of cobalt nanostructures using focused ion beam induced deposition under cryogenic conditions: application to electrical contacts on graphene, magnetism and hard maskingNanoscale Adv., 2021,3, 5656-56622021
Nico Klingner, K.-H. Heinig, D. Tucholski, W. Möller, R. Hübner, L. Bischoff, G. Hlawacek, and Stefan FacskoEpitaxial Lateral Overgrowth of Tin Spheres Driven and Directly Observed by Helium Ion MicroscopyJ. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 38, 16332–163402022
Alba Salvador-Porroche, L. Herrer, S. Sangiao, J. M. de Teresa, and Pilar CeaLow-resistivity Pd nanopatterns created by a direct electron beam irradiation process free of post-treatment stepsNanotechnology 33 4053022022
Soraya Sangiao, J. M. de Teresa, A. Salvador, L. Herrer, P. Philipp, Pilar Cea MinguezaHigh-Throughput Direct Writing of Metallic Micro- and Nano-Structures by Focused Ga+ Beam Irradiation of Palladium Acetate FilmsACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 24, 28211–282202022

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Official one: This article/publication is based upon work from COST Action FIT4NANO CA19140, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

If a result from an STSM: Financial support through a short term scientific mission funded by the COST Action CA19140 is acknowledged.

All others: The authors are (partly) members of the COST Action FIT4NANO CA19140.

Please use the first one for all publications that are a result of a collaboration between two or more international FIT4NANO partners. Should you also have received financial support from us, please add the second (both statements are required).

Outreach Activities

FIT4NANO memberAffiliationAffiliation countryType of OutreachTitleEvents / PlaceDateLink
Olivier de CastroLISTLuxembourgOutreachSharing insights of my academic and science path“Researchers at school,” Luxembourg2023 – 03Researchers at School
Thomas LöberRPTU Kaiserslautern NSCGermanyConference PresentationLow temperature Caesiums ion source in a standalone FIB system used for imaging and milling processesThe 66th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, San Francisco, CA, USA2023 – 05/
Bernd AichnerUniversity of ViennaAustriaInvited TalkCreating the World’s Toughest Obstacle Course for Magnetic Flux Quanta in High-Tc SuperconductorsJoint Annual Meeting of SPS and ÖPG, Basel, Switzerland2023 – 09
Thomas LöberRPTU Kaiserslautern NSCGermanyConference PresentationInvestigation of different focused ion beam systems and milling strategies for structuring crystalline semiconductors and polycrystalline metal layersMicro and Nano Engineering Conference, Berlin, Germany2023 – 09MNE 2023
Bernd AichnerUniversity of ViennaAustriaConference PresentationNon-destructive Nanostructuring: Using a Focused Helium Ion Beam to Change the Properties of Cuprate Superconductors2023 IEEE 13th International Conference. Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties, Bratislava, Slovakia2023 – 09
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaConference PresentationA route to high-Tc fluxonic devices by focused helium ion beam irradiation

16th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Bologna, Italy2023 – 09
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaInvited TalkReentrant zero resistance and ordered Bose glass of vortices in defect-engineered YBCO thin filmsInternational Workshop on Superconductivity and Magnetism in Two Dimensional Films and Heterostructures, Bath, Great Britain2023 – 08/09
Bernd AichnerUniversity of ViennaAustriaInvited TalkFabrication of nanostructures for advanced vortex pinning in high-Tc superconductors8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM2023), Ölüdeniz-Fethiye, Türkiye2023 – 05
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaInvited TalkVortex zoology in nanopatterned copper-oxide superconductorsJoint Workshop of the project SUPERSPIN-IM-26 and ERA-CHAIR-project LAMatCU, Bratislava, Slovakia2023 – 06
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaConference PresentationOrdered Bose vortex glass in YBCO: Competing periodic and random defects
International meeting on superconducting quantum materials and nanodevices
MONTESUPER 2023, Budva, Montenegro2023 – 04
Bernd AichnerUniversity of ViennaAustriaConference PresentationVortex matching at 6T in YBa2Cu3O7-δ by imprinting an ultradense hexagonal pinning array with focused helium ion irradiationDPG Spring Meeting 2023 of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM)2023 – 03
Bernd AichnerUniversity of ViennaAustriaConference PresentationReducing the Resolution Limits of Periodic Vortex Pinning Landscapes in Copper-Oxide Superconductors71st Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society2022 – 09
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaInvited TalkVortex commensurability and ordered Bose glass phenomena in YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films with ultradense pinning landscapes fabricated by focused helium ion beam irradiation2022 International Forum on Applied Superconductivity and Magnetism (IFASM-OCEANIA-2022)2022 – 12
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaConference PresentationNanoscale patterns in copper-oxide superconductors created in a helium ion microscope47th international conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE2021)2022 – 09
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaConference PresentationUltradense nanostructures in copper-oxide superconductors and their magneto-transport properties22nd IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO 2022)2022 – 07
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaInvited TalkNanoscale vortex pinning structures in high-temperature superconductors created in a helium ion microscope superconductors: a tool for flux quanta manipulationAVS672022 – 10
James WhitbyTofwerkSwitzerlandOral presentationFIB-SIMS for the characterization of rechargeable batteries14th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices ’222022 – 10ALC22
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaInvited TalkNanopillars of point defects in copper-oxide superconductors: a tool for flux quanta manipulationInternational Conference On Quantum Materials And Technologies (ICQMT2022)2022 – 10
IACOB ANDREEA TEODORAUNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY “GRIGORE T. POPA” IASI, ROMANIARomaniaOral presentationBiomimetic chitosan/PEO nanofibers as non-cytotoxic wound dressingsNanoBioMat 2022 – Summer Edition – “Applications of Chemistry in Nanosciences and Biomaterials Engineering”2022 – 06
Gregor HlawacekHZDRGermanyOral presentationMaterials and emerging technologies for a digital worldEPS Forum2022 – 06
Katarzyna MadajskaNicolaus Copernicus University ToruńPolandPosterStudy of key processes for finding new FEBID precursorsFocused Electron Beam Induced Processing (FEBIP) 20222022 – 07FEBIP 2022
Aleksandra ButrymowiczNicolaus Copernicus University ToruńPolandPosterCopper(II) complexes with pivalate and small aliphatic amines as precursors for nanomaterial fabricationFocused Electron Beam Induced Processing (FEBIP) 20222022 – 07FEBIP 2022
José María De TeresaINMA (CSIC- Universidad de Zaragoza)SpainOutreach talkPresentation on Electronics and NeurosciencePint of Science festival2022 – 05Pint of Science
José María De TeresaINMA (CSIC- Universidad de Zaragoza)SpainOutreach talkPresentation on microchips – current and future use of microchipsDe copas con Ciencia – A drink with Science2022 – 01
Gemma RiusIMB-CNM-CSICSpainOnline PosterEuropean corner – project presentationEuropean Researchers Night ’222022 – 09FIT4NANO @ European corner
José María De TeresaINMA (CSIC- Universidad de Zaragoza)SpainOutreach talkDebate between a physicist and an engineer on future technological developments related to digitalization, energy, quantum computing and neurotechnologyTalk at FNAC (Spanish electronics and media store) – Zaragoza on future technology: visions of a Physicist and an Engineer2022 – 03
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaInvited TalkUnconventional vortex commensurability effects in dense pinning landscapes created by He ion irradiation of YBCO thin filmsSuperconducting Hybrids @ Extreme2021 – 07Superconducting @ Extreme
Wolfgang LangUniversity of ViennaAustriaConference PresentationUnconventional vortex commensurability effects in dense pinning landscapes created by He ion irradiation of YBCO thin films2020 Joint Conference of the Condensed Matter Divisions of EPS-CMD and RSEF-GEFES2020 – 09Event Website

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