Application of FIB to nanostructured functional materials
FIB technology is a versatile and powerful technique that allows using multiple physical-chemical mechanisms to precisely process and modify the surface and sub-surface of solid and soft materials.
We have identified 5 application areas for the different modes of operation of FIBs:
- localized material modification
- creation of localized defects/impurities
- patterning of 2D materials
- bottom-up direct writing
- imaging and analysis
Specifically, the fit4nano Action members commit to implement joint investigations and generate knowledge to address the following tasks:
- Task 3.1: Lay down target specifications (e.g. lateral resolution, mixing efficiency, fluence range, …) for various ion beam based fabrication methods (M9)
- Task 3.2: Fabrication of nanostructured functional 2D materials with nanometer precision using focused ion beam methods (M18)
- Task 3.3: Spatially precise placement of single or few ions for quantum computing applications (M36)
- Task 3.4: Building superconductor nanocircuits and/or spin based devices using local modification of magnetic properties (M46)
As a result of fit4nano, WG3 aims to progress and enable new applications of FIB for structuring functional materials at the nanoscale. Additionally, we will be supporting WG1 and WG2 instrumentation and modelling developments, respectively, while participating and providing outreach and communication materials for WG4.